Fully modular

Each part of the Builder is its own self-contained unit that can function independently. This retains functionality without chains.

Limitless configurations

Be it big and heavy, or quick and nimble, the Builder will always find the best fit for the job. Mostly by itself.

Repairs and maintains

Not only does the Builder create, it can also repair or even improve on existing designs based on machine learning.

Holographic access

By using augmented reality, you can use an artifical interface to interact with the system on the fly. Whenever, wherever.

Built by enthusiasts

The builder team is hard at work making this a reality, and we are always on the look for technological advances.

Iteratively designed

The Builder is currently partially 3D-printed to make upgrades and improvements working quickly.

Designed in Blender 3D

The Builder is being made in Rotterdam, and all the 3D-printed parts have been prepared with Blender 3D.

Entering early stages 2018

The first prototype is shown at the Future Flux Festival 2018!

Timetable of deadline goals

Date Goal Description Completed
2017 Concept Planning of the initial idea and details. Yes
Spring 2018 Hand The prototype of the first hand that is going to be used to manipulate objects. Yes
Summer 2018 Arm The prototype of the arm that the hand connects to. Yes
Summer 2018 The base The prototype assembly configuration for the arms and hands. Yes
TBD 2018 3D scanner The setup of the scanner for the builder to read and understand its objects. No
TBD 2018 Beta The complete prototype with all parts working together. No
TBD 2018 Funding A funding campaign to get the builder done faster. No

Who we are

The builder team currently consists of three people from various professional backgrounds. Two in the Netherlands who represent Lambda Shift, and one in Norway representing Colonthree Enterprises.

Øyvind Sørøy

Co-founder, investor and PR (Norway)

Pedro Polanco

Hardware and assembly specialist

Rick Vink

Software developer and 3D-camera technician


The builder is currently mostly built using 3D-printed parts, and using image recognition like Tensorflow. This is only the beginning.

Interested in knowing more?

Please send us an e-mail for more details on this project. We'll be happy to help you out.